The router for the Guilded REST API.


new Router(rest);




calendarEventRsvps: CalendarEventRsvpRouter

The calendar event RSVP router for the Guilded REST API.

calendarEvents: CalendarEventRouter

The calendar event router for the Guilded REST API.

channels: ChannelRouter

The channel router for the Guilded REST API.

docs: DocRouter

The doc router for the Guilded REST API.

forumTopics: ForumTopicRouter

The forum topic router for the Guilded REST API.

groups: GroupRouter

The group router for the Guilded REST API.

listItems: ListItemRouter

The list item router for the Guilded REST API.

messages: MessageRouter

The message router for the Guilded REST API.

reactions: ReactionRouter

The reaction router for the Guilded REST API.

serverBans: ServerBanRouter

The server ban router for the Guilded REST API.

serverMembers: ServerMemberRouter

The server member router for the Guilded REST API.

serverRoles: ServerRoleRouter

The server role router for the Guilded REST API.

servers: ServerRouter

The server router for the Guilded REST API.

webhooks: WebhookRouter

The webhook router for the Guilded REST API.