Class WebsocketManager

The Websocket manager for the Guilded API.


new WebsocketManager({ version: 1, token: 'token' });


  • EventEmitter
    • WebsocketManager



lastMessageId?: string

The last message ID.

The options for the Websocket manager.

ping?: number

The ping of the websocket connection.

pingedAt?: Date

The date the websocket was pinged.

proxyUrl?: string

The proxy URL of the Websocket API.

readyAt?: Date

The date the websocket is ready.

reconnects: number = 0

The anount of times the websocket has been reconnected.

socket?: WebSocket

The websocket.

token?: string

The auth token for the websocket.

version?: number

The version of the Websocket API.


  • get pingedTimestamp(): undefined | number
  • The timestamp the websocket was pinged.

    Returns undefined | number

  • get readyTimestamp(): undefined | number
  • The timestamp of when the websocket is ready.

    Returns undefined | number
