Class CalendarEventRsvp

Represents a calendar event RSVP on Guilded.


new CalendarEventRsvp(calendarEvent, rawCalendarEventRsvp);


  • Base
    • CalendarEventRsvp



calendarEvent: CalendarEvent

The calendar event the RSVP belongs to.

calendarEventId: number

The ID of the calendar event the RSVP belongs to.

channelId: string

The ID of the channel the calendar event RSVP belongs to.

client: Client

The client the data model belongs to.

createdAt: Date

The date the calendar event RSVP was created.

createdBy: string

The ID of the user that created the calendar event RSVP.

editedAt?: Date

The date the calendar event RSVP was edited.

editedBy?: string

The ID of the user that edited the calendar event RSVP.

id: string

The ID of the structure.

The raw data of the calendar event RSVP.

serverId: string

The ID of the server the calendar event RSVP belongs to.

The status of the calendar event RSVP.

userId: string

The ID of the user the calendar event RSVP belongs to.

