Represents a message on Guilded.


new Message(channel, rawMessage);




channel: ChatChannel

The chat channel the message belongs to.

channelId: string

The ID of the channel the message belongs to.

client: Client

The client the data model belongs to.

content?: string

The content of the message.

createdAt: Date

The date the message was created.

createdBy: string

The ID of the user that created the message.

createdByWebhookId?: string

The ID of the webhook that created the message.

deletedAt?: Date

The date the message was deleted.

editedAt?: Date

The date the message was edited.

embeds: APIEmbed[]

The embeds in the message.

id: string

The ID of the structure.

isPrivate?: boolean

Whether the message is private.

isSilent?: boolean

Whether the message is silent.

mentions?: APIMentions

The mentions of the message.

The raw data of the message.

A manager of reactions that belong to the message.

replyMessageIds: string[]

The IDs of messages that were replied to.

serverId?: string

The ID of the server the message belongs to.

The type of the message.

