Class ListChannel

Represents a list channel on Guilded.


new ListChannel(client, rawChannel);




archivedAt?: Date

The date the channel was archived.

archivedBy?: string

The ID of the user that archived the channel.

categoryId?: number

The ID of the category the channel belongs to.

client: Client

The client the data model belongs to.

createdAt: Date

The date the channel was created.

createdBy: string

The ID of the user that created the channel.

editedAt?: Date

The date the channel was edited.

groupId: string

The ID of the group the channel belongs to.

id: string

The ID of the structure.

isPublic?: boolean

Whether the channel is public.

The manager of items that belong to the list channel.

name: string

The name of the channel.

parantId?: string

The ID of the parent channel the channel belongs to.

The raw data of the channel.

serverId: string

The ID of the server the channel belongs to.

topic?: string

The topic of the channel.

The type of the channel.

The manager of webhooks that belong to the channel.



  • Create a item in the list channel.


    The created list item.


    channel.createItem('Hello World!');


    • message: string

      The message of the list item.

    • Optional note: string

      The note of the list item.

    Returns Promise<ListItem>