Represents a list item on Guilded.


new ListItem(channel, rawItem);




channel: ListChannel

The list channel the item belongs to.

channelId: string

The ID of the channel the list item belongs to.

client: Client

The client the data model belongs to.

completedAt?: Date

The date the list item was completed.

completedBy?: string

The ID of the user that completed the list item.

createdAt: Date

The date the list item was created.

createdBy: string

The ID of the user that created the list item.

createdByWebhookId?: string

The ID of the webhook that created the list item.

editedAt?: Date

The date the list item was edited.

editedBy?: string

The ID of the user that edited the list item.

id: string

The ID of the structure.

mentions?: APIMentions

The mentions of the list item.

message: string

The message of the list item.

The note of the list item.

parentId?: string

The ID of the list item the list item belongs to.

The raw data of the list item.

serverId: string

The ID of the server the list item belongs to.



  • Edit the list item.


    The edited list item.


    listItem.edit('Hello World!');


    • message: string

      The message of the list item.

    • Optional note: string

      The note of the list item.

    Returns Promise<ListItem>